Liaoning is the best choice
Feb 16,2023

In the cooked food processing workshop, fried chicken products are “lying” on the conveyor belt, and workers in uniforms are working busily in an orderly manner.

Great Wall Food (Dalian) Co., Ltd., located in the Paotai Street of Jinpu New District, looks low-key and simple, but it is home to an entrepreneurial story of a enterprise owned by Taiwan compatriots rooted and developed for more than 20 years in Dalian.

Great Wall Group found the broad prospects of the mainland market and came to Dalian of Liaoning Province to invest and build a factory with the business philosophy and corporate culture of the parent company in 1995.

“The coastal city boasts a pleasant climate and convenient transportation. The favorable policies attracting investment and helping enterprises owned by Taiwan compatriots issued by the local government are the important reasons for Great Wall Group to invest in Liaoning.” said Chen Yali, manager of Human Resources Department of Great Wall Food (Dalian) Co., Ltd.

The enterprise takes the one-stop operation of broiler products as its pillar. With the policy support of Dalian, the local government has opened up many “green channels” for enterprise development. “Liaoning has developed rapidly in recent years, and the pace of international integration is also accelerating. As an export-oriented enterprise, we have seen increasingly fast and convenient import and export procedures. Enterprises like us can apply for the certification of National Green-channel Enterprises, eliminating much red tape and improving export efficiency.” Chen Yali said.

In recent years, Liaoning Province has actively promoted building a high-quality and efficient business environment for enterprises owned by Taiwan compatriots. The government has made great efforts to help businessmen and enterprises from Taiwan solve all kinds of urgent and difficult problems, understand the national, provincial and municipal preferential policies such as tax reduction, fee reduction. During the epidemic, the provincial and municipal office of Taiwan affairs coordinated with the departments of commerce, communication and epidemic prevention to join hands with enterprises owned by Taiwan compatriots fighting the epidemic and overcoming difficulties.

The largest poultry farmer of Great Wall Food (Dalian) Co., Ltd. in Zhuanghe of Dalian need process chickens. However, due to the requirements of epidemic prevention, the farmer could not find workers to catch and process chickens, and the transportation was another big problem. “At that time, if the chickens were caught one day later, the farmer and enterprise would lose much money every day.” Chen Yali said, “When the leaders of Jinpu New District and Paotai Street knew it, they immediately helped us coordinate and send the chickens processed on the premise of ensuring the epidemic prevention and control, thus avoided the losses of the company and farmer.”

“The support and care of the local government departments have given us more confidence in the future business development. Liaoning is the best choice.” Chen Yali said that the enterprise has been integrated with Liaoning in its development over the years. Some senior employees have been working here since the establishment of the company. They have found a sense of belonging here and gained a sense of happiness. Many employees found their love, got married and had children here. They regard Dalian as their second hometown. The enterprise is also constantly rooted in Liaoning and integrated into Liaoning. Together with Liaoning people, the enterprise is willing to create a greater future market and achieve win-win development.

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