Liaoning Establishes Regional Sci-Tech Innovation Hub With Nationwide Influence

On July 23, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held a press conference, providing an update on the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements in the province.

To promote the deep integration of scientific and industrial innovation and support the development of new quality productive forces, Liaoning has implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and focused on building itself into a major technological innovation source to create a nationally influential hub for scientific and technological innovation. With abundant scientific and technological resources and strong innovation capabilities, Liaoning has collected 4,016 highly mature and convertible scientific and technological achievements in recent years. In 2024, Liaoning aims to promote the commercialization of over 4,000 scientific and technological achievements within the province, with a breakthrough in the local conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements exceeding 57%.

Throughout the province, a whole-process scientific and technological service chain has been established, encompassing various types of platforms and institutions such as laboratories, technology transfer demonstration institutions, university science parks, and maker spaces. These platforms cater to the different development needs of scientific and technological enterprises in their preparation, startup, growth, and maturity stages. Currently, the province boasts 638 key laboratories at the provincial level or above, including 21 national key laboratories and four provincial-level laboratories in Liaoning.

In terms of legal protection, the province has taken the lead nationwide in introducing the “Liaoning Regulations on Scientific and Technological Innovation”, which includes a dedicated chapter on “Achievement Commercialization and Industrialization”. The regulation clarifies matters related to the empowerment of scientific and technological achievements in higher education institutions and research organizations, rewards for the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements in official positions, and rewards for the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements in state-owned enterprises. Liaoning will also establish a mechanism for connecting scientific and technological achievements and promote the “dual helix” development of science, technology, and industry.

In the next step, Liaoning will accelerate the aggregation of innovation factors including talents, technologies, and funds, improve the efficiency of matching the supply of scientific and technological resources with market demand, strengthen the docking services for achievement commercialization, and build an online and offline service platform to facilitate the regular release of scientific and technological achievements and enterprise demands.

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