Liaoning Launches Special Initiative for Handling Public Petitions

On July 25, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held a press conference, presenting an update on the efforts of Liaoning’s procuratorates to handle public complaints made in the form of letters or visits under the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand” Project.

Since the beginning of this year, Liaoning has promoted the legalization of its endeavors to handle public petitions on all fronts, and implemented the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era. With senior officials taking the lead in the handling of public complaints under the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand” Project, the province has furthered the high-quality development in this regard, ensuring that “every visit is received, every letter is handled, every difficulty is resolved, and every mistake is corrected”. From January 8, 2024, to June 30, 2024, the senior officials of procuratorates across the province handled 7,969 letters or visits, completing 79.26% of the planned tasks, with a case resolution rate reaching 54.37%.

In the process of advancing the project, the People’s Procuratorate of Benxi City, in collaboration with the city’s Public Complaints and Proposals Administration, the Department of Justice, the Lawyers Association, and the Psychological Counselors Association, has created the distinctive integrated brand “Xifang Xisu” for resolving contradictions and disputes in letters or visits, thereby forming a collaborative effort in resolving letters and visits contradictions and disputes. The People’s Procuratorate of Chaoyang City has established the first provincial 24/7 “never-closing” intelligent “New Letters and Visits” platform integrating functions such as controlling accusations and appeals, case acceptance, transparency of procuratorial work, and procuratorial publicity, maximizing convenience for those in need. Brands like the “Xiangfeng Erxing” (Learning from Fengqiao Experience) from the People’s Procuratorate of Fengcheng County-level City and the “Lanhai Yangfan Studio” (Sailing the Blue Sea) from the People’s Procuratorate of Linghai County-level City have emerged as outstanding ones in handling public complaints under the project.

Next, Liaoning will continue to deepen the “Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand” Project, developing it into the signature brand of handling public petitions in the province, creating a favorable judicial environment for the legalization of the handling.

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